Sunday, April 25, 2010

My 3.5" hard drive #2 no longer shows up in WIndows. It still spins, but can't get Windows

Has the disk completely failed, or is did it just have a Windows breakdown? I have bought a CoolMax 3.5" External Enclosure, which connects an internal 3.5" IDE drive to any computer by USB or firewire, but my Windows XP Pro computer still doesn't give it a drive letter.

However, the weird thing is that when I plug in the USB cable, Windows goes "Kerplunk" and says a USB 2.0 device has been connected. Also, when I right-click on My COmputer and go into Properties %26gt; Device Manager, the 3.5" drive shows up under my list of disk drives (WDC WD60 0BB-75CCB0 USB Device).

How can I force Windows to register and explore this hidden drive?

p.s. My primary drive is a WD 160GB and it is working fine (2005). The WD 60GB is 2 years older, but was working last time I checked... the workstation has been used for about 6 months by my sister since I last used it).

My 3.5" hard drive #2 no longer shows up in WIndows. It still spins, but can't get Windows to recognize it...internet explorer download

You're probably missing some drivers. Check the manufacturer's website, see if you can download them.

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