Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can i run a 32 bit copy of windows on the AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+?

i am getting a new pc which has no OS installed. it has the AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+, 2gb RAM (may upgrade to 3gb), 8600gt 512mb.

will i beable to run a 32 bit copy of windows xp pro on this and it to not have any performance loss.

thanks in advance

Can i run a 32 bit copy of windows on the AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+?microsoft sql server

Yes it will be fine, all 64 bit CPUs are backwardly compatible with 32bit Operating Systems

Can i run a 32 bit copy of windows on the AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+?windows themes internet explorer

There will be a bit of a performance loss, but not much. I run XP Pro x86 (32bit) on my Athlon 6000 and have no problems.
Nubebot is right. 32 bit XP will run just fine with no performance loss at all.
that's what i have and what i'm running. the processor is not that good at multitasking, so beware if you do alot of that.
Yes, I have been running XP on computers since the old Athlon + days (single core)....I have built many computers since that time all the way up to the Athlon Dual Core 6400 which I am now using with no problems. So anything built since the year 2000 will probably run Windows XP Professional or Home.
You won't experiece any problems in fact it will be a tad loss on performance but theyre still aren't that many 64 bit applications yet anyway. Go 32 bit.

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