Sunday, November 29, 2009

Computer messed up...How to get files off and put onto another without using WIndows???

my pc messed up, and i repaired it with windows xp pro disc (no product key) and i can't get into windows. Is there a way to get the pictures and info off the hard drive and put onto another hard drive, such as taking the hard drive out and putting into a working windows based system (like have 2 hard drives) and then take the info off that one and burn it????will this work, or is there another way? I have tried many keys to make windows work on 1st pc, none work. I don't want to lose everything. Precious memories on the computer. Thanks.

Computer messed up...How to get files off and put onto another without using WIndows???microsoft maps

You can remove the hard drive and stick it in another PC and copy the files off. Make sure you set the pin in the back to 'slave' if necessary and check the BIOS of the machine your putting the drive into to make sure that slot is enabled.

Computer messed up...How to get files off and put onto another without using WIndows???windows registry internet explorer

yeah this is a kinda tricky situation but here goes you will need two hard drives for this lets call the hard drive that has the data on it HD1 and the other one HD2 first take HD1 out of your computer completely and then place HD2 in their(on HD2 you will need to either have windows intstalled on it already or get it installed) now boot up your computer once everthing is up, shut down your computer and completely unhook your power to it

(so you dont get eletricuted) and then open up the computer and put HD1 as a driver that is the SLAVE driver to HD2 (intead of having just HD1 hooked up, now its going to be a secondary hard drive, well pretty much) after everything is hooked up then plug in your computer and boot it up, once its done booting go into My Comptuer and double click on the drive that is HD1 or just right click on it and hit copy, then go to HD2 and right click it and just hit paste(mind you that this can take anywhere between a couple minutes and a couple hours depending on much is on that HD1. well if that dont solve your problems(despite it being quiet confusing) then just take your computer to the nearest CompUSA or Office Depot and they will fix it for a fee of course) hope all goes well

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